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How to Join and Benefits of Membership

Click HERE to join or renew your membership for 2019:

If you would prefer to mail a check, you may fill out the PDF form here

For new attorneys who recently passed the bar, membership is free for two calendar years following admission in any jurisdiction (after January 2017 for 2019 Membership). Membership is also free for law clerks, legal staff and law students. Click the above link to join. General 2019 membership dues are $100.00 or $50.00 for government and nonprofit attorneys. 


What are the benefits of membership in the FFA? We like to think that membership in the FFA is the best deal in town.  So often we join organizations because it is expected but are left to wonder if it’s really worth it.  If you have been wondering about the FFA, let’s take a look at why it continues to be a valuable organization to be involved in.

The FFA hosts CLE programs with Federal District and Magistrate Judges.  This is one of the few forums where you can meet the Judges on an informal basis and ask questions.

As a member, you are also invited to attend a number of interesting and relevant CLE programs covering civil, criminal, and bankruptcy issues as well as specialized educational seminars addressing  42 U.S.C. § 1983 actions and other claims commonly asserted in federal pro bono cases.

The FFA also hosts the annual Federal District Court Bench Bar Roundtable and the Bankruptcy Bench Bar Roundtable.  There is exceptional representation from the Bench at these Roundtables, and these programs consistently get rave reviews.  Attorneys regularly tell us that the roundtables are the best CLE programs they have attended.

The FFA also regularly hosts new lawyers federal court orientation programs designed to give new practitioners a solid introduction to practicing in federal court. As a member, you receive the FFA’s newsletter that includes important updates on rule changes, important federal decisions, a Judge’s column, and highlights from recent FFA programs.  This along with our regular email announcements keep you up to date and in the loop on important announcements from the Court and the FFA.

But when it comes down to it, perhaps the greatest asset of the FFA is our exceptional FFA members who provide helpful insight and guidance to one another, help us provide meaningful input to the Court when requested, and volunteer their pro bono services to represent pro se litigants in the United States District Court for the District of Colorado.

These are some of the reasons we think FFA membership continues to be the best in town.  We hope you will join us in pursuing our commitment to improving the quality of legal practice in the federal courts.